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APSN Education Services Ltd.

Address: 900 New Upper Changi Road, Singapore 467354
Phone: +65 6479 6252

APSN Chaoyang School

Address: 10 Ang Mo Kio Street 54 Singapore 569184
Phone: +65 6456 6922

APSN Katong School

Address: 900 New Upper Changi Road Singapore 467354
Phone: +65 6643 0300

APSN Tanglin School

Address: 143 Alexandra Road Singapore 159924
Phone: +65 6475 1511

APSN Delta Senior School

Address: 3 Choa Chu Kang Grove Singapore 688237
Phone: +65 6276 3818


Address: 11 Jalan Ubi Block 2 #02-12 Singapore 409074
Phone: +65 6479 6252

APSN Centre For Adults

Address: 11 Jalan Ubi Block 4, #01-31 Singapore 409074
Phone: +65 6346 2425

APSN Learning Hub

Address: 11 Jalan Ubi Block 6, #01-51 Singapore 409074
Phone: +65 6708 9867 / +65 8388 6252

APSN Student Care Centre

Address: 10 Ang Mo Kio Street 54 Singapore 569184
Phone: +65 6637 9812

For APSN's whistle-blowing policy and reporting channel, kindly click here.

APSN Chaoyang School

School Information

Phone +65 6456 6922
Fax +65 6456 2030
Principal Mrs Angela Lee
Address 10 Ang Mo Kio Street 54
Singapore 569184

Bulletin Board

APSN Chaoyang School Public Engagement

The Public Engagement caters to parents who wish to know more about APSN Chaoyang School. The session will provide an overview of APSN, APSN’s Educational Pathways, the school’s general information, key programmes, educational curriculum, admission criteria as well as application process.

To have a quick preview of the information, please click here for a video on School Information and Application Process. You may also view the school facilities by clicking on the above video of the school.

APSN Chaoyang School holds its Public Engagement sessions twice yearly, as follows:

  • 1st   Public Engagement: Friday, 28 February 2025 (12.00pm to 2.00pm)
  • 2nd Public Engagement: Friday, 9 May 2025 (12.00pm to 2.00pm)

Registration begins 2 January 2025. To register, please contact Ms Joanna Lim at with the following details:

  1. Preferred date (28 Feb 2025 or 9 May 2025)
  2. Name of attendee(s)
CYS updates
Admission Application

Primary 1 registration for 2026 intake is open from 1 April 2025 onwards. Please submit the Special Education (SPED) School Application Form using the digitised form at SPED School Application Form (2025) | FormSG. Please submit the application before 30 June 2025 to ensure that the application is processed in time for 2026 January intake. Should you have any further enquiries specific to admission application, please contact Ms Joanna Lim at 6637 9806. For general enquiries, please contact the school at 6456 6922.

Waitlisting in SPED Schools for Primary 1 Placement

With effect from 1 January 2023, a child applying for placement in Primary 1 in a government-funded SPED school can only be placed on the waitlist if the child has first been placed in another government-funded SPED schoolwhich serves the same primary diagnosed condition.

Please refer to this link for the list of SPED schools categorised by the primary diagnosed conditions.

1A child placed in a mainstream school will not be eligible to be on the waitlists for SPED schools. Should there be interest to transfer the child to a SPED school, please refer to the “Transfers from Mainstream Schools to SPED schools” section for more details

This requirement will also apply to returning Singaporeans entering Chaoyang School at all levels.

Transfer from Mainstream School to SPED School

With effect from 10th October 2022, applications for a transfer from a mainstream school to a SPED school must be facilitated through the student’s mainstream school.

Please approach the mainstream school Principal to apply for the transfer.

SPED schools will not accept direct applications from parents/legal guardians, private professionals, and hospitals.

For more information, please visit

Chaoyang School strives to provide helpful and timely solutions to your needs. We seek your patience and understanding should we take slightly longer to respond to you during our peak periods or if we require more time to address more complex feedback.

If you wish to interact with us through the following channels, we will strive to serve you in a timely manner.



Curriculum Framework

APSN Chaoyang School caters to children between 7 and 12 years old, with mild intellectual disability (MID), i.e. IQ range 50-70 with concurrent significant limitations in adaptive behaviour as expressed in conceptual, social and practical adaptive skills.

Key Programmes Offered:

  • Integrated Programme
  • ASD Structured Programme

Integrated Programme

The majority of pupils in APSN Chaoyang School are in the Integrated Programme. The programme caters to pupils with MID, as well as pupils with ASD who have the necessary social skills to be integrated into the general population of the school. The average class size of the Integrated Programme is 1:10.

The programme covers functional academics such as Literacy, Numeracy and Science; Life Skills; and Aesthetics. More details on the curriculum coverage are provided under the specific subject domain headings.

ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) Structured Programme

APSN Chaoyang School’s ASD Structured Programme serves students with mild autism with higher support needs. The direction of the programme is to prepare and integrate these students to the more inclusive general Integrated Programme of the school.

This programme adopts ‘Structured Teaching’ approach in a class size of 1:4. All students in the ASD Structured Programme are offered access to the same curriculum and activities of the Integrated Programme. To cater for the specific needs of these students, the ASD Structured Programme additionally focuses on areas of social skills, play skills and communication skills development. All teachers in the programme are specifically trained to teach children with ASD. ICT resources are widely used to enhance teaching and learning for these students.

APSN Chaoyang School implements systematic approaches – Integration and Transition Programme – to prepare the students in the ASD Structured Programme for integration and transition beyond their structured learning environment. The Integration Programme helps pupils to integrate from a structured ASD classroom into the Integrated Programme classes within APSN Chaoyang School. The Transition Programme also prepares graduands of APSN Chaoyang School to eventually make the transition to the stage of their education in APSN Tanglin School or APSN Katong School.

Key Features:

  • Warm-hearted and caring staff committed to providing holistic and quality education
  • Module-based curriculum to cater to different learning abilities of pupils
  • Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies (PATHS) programme for developing social and emotional competencies
  • Pervasive use of ICT to support Teaching and Leaning in all domains
  • Strong partnership programmes with school and community partners
  • Daily 15-min physical workout to promote healthy lifestyle

Lower-primary pupils learn English through modified STELLAR (Strategies for English Language Learning and Reading). Pupils learn through various activities including shared reading of “big books” and the scaffolding of writing activities. To equip pupils with the foundation skills for reading, all lower-primary pupils are also taught phonics through the Reading Mastery programme.

Upper-primary pupils are taught English through the thematic approach. Component skills of Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing, are taught through themes meaningful to the pupils. Reading is continued to be emphasised for the pupils via multi-sensory, multi-media activities approach.


The overarching goal of the Numeracy curriculum is to ensure that all pupils in Chaoyang School achieve a good foundation in numeracy, and to better prepare our pupils for the future working environment by developing functional, job-related skills.

The Numeracy curriculum comprises 4 main components: Counting and Computation, Budgeting, Scheduling, and Measurement. Pupils are also taught data analysis and problem-solving skills.


APSN Chaoyang School introduced Science as a subject for the upper-primary pupils. The curriculum seeks to enable pupils to make sense of their world and to pique their curiosity. Inquiry-Based Learning is adopted as a key teaching pedagogy in order to create a learning environment that will excite and encourage pupils to find out more about the world. The themes that are taught include: Diversity, Cycles, Systems, Interactions and Energy.

Life Skills

Life Skills focuses on everyday skills that pupils need to be self-reliant: Independent Living Skills such as basic self-care, social competencies, work behaviours, and social emotional learning. These skills are essential because they provide the basis for independent living, and facilitate the transition from school to life in the “real world”.


Aesthetics is embedded into the school curriculum to improve self-expression, concentration and motor skills, and channel pupils’ energy into positive activities. It also helps to lay the foundation for the acquisition of literacy, numeracy and life skills in a lively and wholesome way.

Aesthetics is a critical part of any child’s education as the skills learnt and experiences gained while taking part in visual arts, drama, dance and music classes help to improve their abilities in different areas of their life. Different music, drama and visual arts genres also help to expose pupils to cultures across the world and enable them to be more inclusive in the larger global community.

Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs)

APSN Chaoyang School’s Co-Curricular Activities Programme is conducted once a week and it introduces pupils to activities beyond their daily classroom routines. These activities are clustered under 3 groups: Sports, Aesthetics, and Social Enterprise. Conducted during curriculum time, the CCA Programme is offered to all pupils regardless of age or ability.

Support Services & Partnerships

Allied Professionals

The Allied Professional (AP) Department at APSN Chaoyang School is made up of Occupational Therapists, Psychologists, Social Workers and Speech and Language Therapists.

Besides providing individual intervention to identified pupils and families, the AP team collaborates closely with teachers to implement multi-disciplinary programmes that are infused into the school curriculum to facilitate holistic development of pupils. The AP Department also conducts parent workshops to educate parents and equip them with skills to help their children cope with changing emotional and behavioural needs, social communication patterns and motor development.

Parent Support Group

Parents are important partners for the education of students with ASD in APSN Chaoyang School. The Parent Support Group (PSG) was set up for better collaboration between school and parents. The PSG works closely with the school to provide authentic learning opportunities for all students. Parents meet up regularly for outings, workshops and gatherings.


APSN Chaoyang School’s partnership framework encompasses meaningful collaborations between school and community partners to support and enhance pupils’ holistic education and development.

Throughout the year, activities such as Educational Excursions, Learning Journeys to places of interest, Buddy Reading Programmes, Visual Art or ICT lessons, Camps and Festival Celebrations are conducted with the support of our partners, in alignment with school strategic goals to meet the social, intellectual, and emotional needs of the pupils.


APSN Chaoyang School’s niche area is in Aesthetics.

For Visual Arts, the school has a Talent Development Programme to nurture pupils’ budding talent in Chinese and Batik Painting.

For Performing Arts, the school has two very successful performance groups: Merry Melodies and Groovies. Merry Melodies, a choir group, and CYS Groovies, a hip-hop dance troupe, are regularly invited to perform for public events at various locations including the Istana, Esplanade and MediaCorp.


  • National Para Championships 2024

  • Clinched the Overall Best Performing School in the Under-10 Category A at the National Inter-School Para Swimming Championships 2024.
  • Clinched the Overall Best Performing School in both the Under-10 and Under-13 Category A at the National Inter-School Para Athletics Championship 2024.


  • Gardens by the Bay and Mediacorp National Day Concert
  • Students put up Choir and Ensemble performance for the pre-concert show and also featured in the closing segment of the concert, alongside President Halimah Yacob


  • Singapore Youth Festival Art Exhibition
  • Certificate of Recognition presented to Chaoyang School in in ALL 3 categories of artworks.


  • Singapore Police Force Community Roadshow
  • Students put up a Choir and Ensemble performance at One Punggol attended by Guest-of-Honour, Senior Minister Teo Chee Hean


  • Cheng San-Seletar CC Groundbreaking Ceremony
  • Students put up a Modern Dance performance at Cheng San Community Club for residents of Cheng San-Seletar Constituency


  • Para Athletics Junior and Youth Athletics Meet
  • 11 Gold
  • 6 Silver
  • 6 Bronze


  • National School Games
  • 2 Gold
  • 2 Silver


  • Coding Olympics (SPED Edition)
  • Student Wong Kai Le won 2nd Prize in the competition for Category A (Primary 4 to 6)


  • Autism Awareness Art Exhibition
  • 8 students’ self-portrait were exhibited at the Singapore Science Centre


  • APSN Charity Fashion Party
  • Students put up Ensemble performance at Scape Singapore attended by Guest-of-Honour, President Halimah Yacob


  • School Green Awards
  • Vanda Miss Joaquim Award Sustained Achievement Award
  • Best 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) Award


  • Singapore Youth Festival (SYF)
  • Dance: Students performed in the SYF Dance Presentation at Gateway Theatre
  • Choir: Students performed in the SYF Choir Presentation at School of the Arts (SOTA)


  • Lions Club Peace Posters Contest
  • Students won 4 out of 10 Merit Prizes in the international competition


  • GetActive! Singapore Workout Schools Competition
  • one of the top 3 winners under the SPED Schools category


  • Very Special Art (VSA) “See What I See” Art Competition
  • 2nd Prize
  • 3rd Prize
  • 3 Merit Prizes


  • National Day Parade (NDP) Virtual Interlude
  • Students participated in the virtual choir that was featured as part of the Parade and Ceremony segment.


  • PassionArts Festival ‘Connecting HeARTS, Connecting Us’
  • Students performed at Cheng San Community Club for residents of Cheng San-Seletar Constituency


  • 40th Anniversary Celebrations
  • School celebrated 40th Anniversary with Ms Sun Xueling, Minister of State, MSF and MHA as the Guest-of-Honour


  • Purple Parade
  • Students put up Modern Dance and Ensemble performance at Suntec City


APSN Chaoyang School emerged as one of the top three winners in the GetActive! Singapore Workout 2021 Schools Competition (SPED Category). Click here to view our winning video submission.

The school was also recognised for its environmental efforts as it bagged three awards at the Singapore Environment Council-Starhub School Green Awards 2021 – (1) the Outstanding Environmental Project Award, (2) the Best 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) Award and (3) the Vanda Miss Joaquim Award. Click here for more details about the awards.


APSN Chaoyang School received a special mention in the “Best Adoption” category of the Techblazer Awards 2020, the nation’s highest accolade for tech innovation. The School was recognised for the use of cutting-edge technology in its Mixed Reality (M.R.) Living Room to teach students literacy, numeracy and life skills.

Our Service Commitment

1. Hotline (6456 6922)

We aim to answer your call within 30 seconds.

You may need to wait 15 minutes or longer to speak to our officers during the following peak periods where call volumes are high or during our officers staggered lunch hours:

  • Mondays and the day after a school/public holiday
  • 11.00 am to 2.00 pm daily

2. Emails with general or simple enquiries (

We aim to reply to you within 3 working days.

For more complex enquiries, we seek your understanding that we may need more time for review before responding to you.

3. Chaoyang School General Office (Services strictly by appointment-basis only)

We aim to attend to you within 15 minutes.


Ms Priyadashani D/O Jeyabalan,
Teacher Aide, APSN Chaoyang School

“Thank you to Teacher Aide Ms Priyadarshani, for bringing smiles to students under the Financial Assistance Scheme. She has been doing charity by using part of her income to donate close to 100 bags of food rations and breakfast sets to the needy students of APSN Chaoyang School and APSN Delta Senior School and their families. Great job Ms Priya.” – Mr Sharvesh

“Ms Priya is a blessing to all her students and teachers. A wonderful, humble heart she has. A heart who wants to help those in needs. Such an awesome excellent teacher.” – Ms Kavitha

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